Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Fragile Hunter

Don’t be fooled by his graceful approach and striking beauty, the lowly butterfly is a skillful and delicate hunter! There’s not a flower whose nectar is safe when this stealthy ultra-light is in pursuit. Multitasking, he can transfer pollen at the speed of winged-flight, leaving no trace of the assault! Seems simple doesn’t it? Would you like to try it while evading predators that weigh more than 100 times your weight and can fly 100 times faster?

There is another delicate and fragile hunter who is graceful in his approach, multitasks effortlessly and is ultra-stealthy in his approach. You have been watched by him for years and although you are a common target, he doesn’t attack without your consent! That’s right, he approaches multiple times from multiple angles, but you must agree to his approaches. He is a predator that stalks the inner workings of your heart and mind, your very soul, planting the notion that God is your creator, supreme in thought word and deed, and that you should acquiesce your stubborn pride and accept His provisional grace and mercy.

Who is this fragile hunter? He is none other than the Holy Spirit of God.

Consider His personality and some of His characteristics:
  1. He is intelligent (1 Corinthians 2:10-11)
  2. He has feelings (Ephesians 4:30)
  3. He has will (1 Corinthians 12:11)
Consider His works:
  1. He teaches (John 14:26)
  2. He guides (Romans 8:14)
  3. He commissions (Acts 13:4)
  4. He commands men (Acts 8:29)
  5. He restrains (Genesis 6:3)
  6. He intercedes (Romans 8:26)
  7. He speaks (John 15:26 and Peter 1:21)
We may not always feel as though we belong to God, but the Holy Spirit is our witness. His inward presence reminds us of who we are and encourages us with God’s love. “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” (Romans 5:5) We are one in Sonship with him.

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