Monday, October 20, 2014

Clear Sailing By Faith

Nobody goes sailing or fishing if storm clouds threaten. Who in their right mind goes boating with a category 99 hurricane on the horizon? Storms can be tracked by satellite and their path predicted, but a sudden squall is quite another thing.

The Sea of Galilee is about twelve miles long and seven miles wide, and rests on the east side of a mountain range. The warm winds coming off the Mediterranean Sea rush up those mountains, and then cool off rapidly while rushing down the eastern side causing sudden storms on the Sea of Galilee.
The disciples were sailing across the lake one day. Jesus curled up to nap and a violent squall arose. The boat and those aboard were in grave danger. The disciples woke up and screamed to him they were going to drown.

“He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” He asked his disciples.” Luke 8:24

After it was all over, in fear and amazement the disciples asked each other “Who is this” He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” Luke 8:25

When caught in the storms of life, it is easy to think that God has lost control and that we’re at the mercy of the winds and of fate. In reality, God is sovereign. He controls the history of the world as well as our personal destines. Just as Jesus calmed the wind and waves, he can calm whatever storms you may face. Christ controls the forces of nature and troubled hearts.

Are you sailing through life waiting for a storm to find your faith?

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