Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Precept Carries No Enablement

Precept 2
What if earthquakes could be predicted? What if they could be pinpointed to an exact area, severity, duration, and time! What if you knew, but you weren’t interested? What if you could help others prepare for an impending disaster and save countless lives? Would you demand money for this information or help out because it’s the right thing to do? You have something more valuable than predicting earthquakes and their destruction. You have at your disposal a plan for the ages! The Bible has also been referred to as—Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!

The prophecies concerning the birth and death of the Messiah are numerous and can be researched and verified. A few were prepared for His coming, most however didn’t see the significance until He had come and gone. The Gospel of Matthew predicts the Second Coming of Christ and some of the signs that will precede it. Are you interested in helping others prepare? Are you interested in being accountable if you don’t?

Matthew speaks about many coming saying that they are the real ‘Christ’, he speaks about wars and rumors of wars, famines, and earthquakes in various places, and these are just the beginning of troubles to come! Many will abandon their faith, false prophets will come and deceive many, and wickedness will increase. Matthew chapter 24 tells much more, so be forewarned, it has been foretold—trouble is coming in a big way! The international prestigious insurers, Lloyds of London have paid out billions of dollars towards recent hurricanes and billions and billions more for the BP oil spill and they are planning for even bigger disasters. Staggering! Disasters are expensive and deadly. 2 Kings 22:16 states, “This is what the LORD says: I am going to bring disaster on this place and its people, according to everything written in the book the king of Judah has read.” It would be a disaster for you not to be ready and prepared to meet your Savior. Can you afford the cost of not being prepared?

Please avoid trouble at all costs!

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