Friday, October 31, 2014

The House of God

House of God
Everyone dreams. Whether they frighten or relax, dreams come in all shapes and sizes. Research shows that most all adults dream about twenty minutes out of every ninety that they sleep, but they don’t always remember their dreams-unless they wake up during one. Research studies have proven that nor-epinephrine and serotonin initiate and maintain dreaming. Every dream has symbolic meaning. Several cultures believe that dreams are a sign from God. That’s very possible, but it’s also possible that a dream is the mind’s way of relaxing like a coiled spring. Dreams are usually unconscious wish-fulfillment in symbolic form. Thus, if an individual chooses happiness, he must also choose healthy sleep habits. Sleeping and dreaming are necessary to maintain life and sanity. Extra stress, anxiety, threats and other conditions may induce nightmare type dreams. Dreams play a large role in people’s lives. Dreams play a larger role in the Bible than we give them credit for. Joseph had several dreams in the book of Genesis. They were laughed at by his family, but decades later, those dreams were brought to reality. Jacob also had some unsettling dreams in Genesis. One dream in particular is recorded for future generations to come.

Jacob was traveling from Beersheba to Haran and when the sun set, he decided to rest for the night. Using a rock for a pillow, he had a most unusual dream. He dreamed that he saw a stairway reaching from the earth all the way to heaven! And, that there were angels of God ascending and descending on this stairway! And above the stairway stood God himself? And then something unusual happened: God spoke to Jacob!

House of God PIC
“I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” Genesis 28:13

After God identified himself as the God of Abraham and Isaac, God confirmed the Abrahamic covenant and added the promise of His presence with Jacob! Jacob had stopped at a place called Luz and had a fantastic dream. Jacob built an altar and renamed the place Bethel after that episode. The name Bethel means “house of God”.

Jacob had heard permission from his father and his mother but now God has spoken to him. Jacob was establishing his own relationship with God. Each of us must have a personal relationship with God. It is not enough to hear wonderful stories about Christians in your family; you need to become part of the story yourself. (Genesis 3:6-7)

Let’s go back to the first line “Everyone Dreams”. Now picture John 14:2 for your reassurance: “In my Father’s house there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” So go ahead and dream.

As always The Bible Story Teller Appreciates all comments.

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