Climate change, climate change, climate change! Talk, talk, talk. Evidence, evidence, evidence. Is it so hard to see climate change? Well, that depends on your definition of climate change. The question begs: What is today’s climate? What are the world’s biggest problems? Doesn’t that depend on who you ask? Some list: Energy, economic collapse, taxes, poverty, terrorism, crime, surveillance, over population, food production, clean water, foreign aid, drugs, racism, when do you want me to stop? I have my own list: religious liberty, sanctity of marriage, human rights, media manipulation, corrupt politics, education, right to life, when do you want me to stop?
Let’s look at earth’s natural climate changes. Changing people’s minds about climate—with facts, tables, predictions, satellites, and those pesky scientists—has proven extremely difficult if not unpredictable. Instead of heat, drought, natural disasters and other acts of God, we might look toward guilt, anxiety, anger and ignorance about how we’ve caused the decoration of mother earth. What about sin?
What about your hearts and souls? Are we ignoring our emotional and spiritual connections with our home base—earth? What about that connection with our Creator? With all the white noise swirling around climate change—meteorology, science, politics, sensationalism, fatalists, and natural disasters themselves—drown out the voice of a loss so profound that it rests unnamed in our souls? Are our breaking hearts a part of the reason we are immobilized? “The heart is most deceitful” you know.