Do you want to know what will happen in the future? You can, but please be forewarned – it ain’t pretty! And furthermore, it ain’t pleasant! The Gospel of Matthew says that terrible things will happen. People will go from bad to worse, the natural order of things will be chaos and disorder on a cosmic scale, and then nations will behave like a baby screaming for a bottle. Is there anything good on the horizon? There are good things that will happen, but you need to be informed, focused and not let fear guide your thinking.
Jesus came back from the dead to prove His claims. His message continues to be the same, but now His message has an addendum. God will hold every sinner accountable for their actions, and there must be a penalty for our transgressions. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for us; He came to be the propitiation for our sins. God’s wrath is assuaged, but there remains one final task for everyone. Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that only through Him can we have eternal life. The entire world sees the same sign before them – You Are Lost. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. John 3:16 has given hope for two centuries and its message is still the same.
Whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish but have everlasting life.
You might be lost, but it’s not too late. As long as you are breathing, it’s never too late. Satan would like for you to think that it is, but he would be wrong, as usual. Many of us believe: We’ve had our chances, That kid is too far gone, This marriage is too old, My addiction is too strong, I’ve made too many mistakes, No one could forgive this, the list is endless. The Bible shows us that it’s not too late. Look at the crippled man in John 5 who sat by the pool for 38 years with his mat trying to get into the swirling healing waters nearby, but he could get no one to help him into the pool. That’s right, 38 years, 14,000+ days and becoming more and more complacent each time at the pool. He’d given up until he met Jesus who cured him. It wasn’t too late with Jesus. Look at Mary and Martha in John 11, sisters of Lazarus who waited for Jesus to come quickly to the aid of their brother. Lazarus died and they had given up. When Jesus arrived, he brought Lazarus back to life. It wasn’t too late with Jesus. Look at Jairus in Luke 8, a leader of the synagogue who was told by his messenger that his daughter had died and not to bother the Teacher (Jesus). However, Jesus came to Jairus and told him she wasn’t dead and would be fine. He brought her back to life. It wasn’t too late with Jesus. Look at the disciples fishing all night and not catching anything. When Jesus arrived, he told them to throw their nets on the other side and their boat became so full it nearly sank. It wasn’t too late with Jesus. There are countless examples of Jesus’ miracles and messages. It’s never too late when you’re with Jesus. John 3:16 GOT IT? John 3:16
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