In war each side uses what’s available to their advantage to be victorious. Both sides have several options available. There is deception, concealment, and camouflage. These are just a few of the tricks widely used. There are two versions of an invisibility cloak that scientists are working on perfecting. One is Augmented reality, or a combination of computers, cameras and reflective surfaces to make a person appear invisible. Sound Hollywoodish? The second invisibility cloak is made of metamaterials using nanotechnology. Both using strange materials and properties. Neither perfected. Many people wish they were invisible. A small fish does not want to be noticed by a larger fish looking for something to snack on! He wants to blend in, but be invisible! People are no different.
We don’t know what Judas’ motivation for betraying Jesus was. Was he trying to force Jesus to challenge the Roman authorities and set up His kingdom? Judas realized his mistake and tried returning the thirty pieces of silver to the priests, but it was too late. God’s sovereign plan had already been put in motion. Had Judas only waited three days, he could have experienced reconciliation and been restored. We don’t need to forget the decision to betray Jesus was made by Judas and Judas alone. What is clear is that Judas allowed his desires to place him in a position where Satan could manipulate him.
“Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.
And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the Temple
and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus.”
Luke 22:3-4
Judas made his own choice. God knew what that choice would be and confirmed it. Judas didn’t lose his relationship with Jesus; rather, he never found Jesus in the first place. He is called “doomed to destruction” John 17:12 What is that old saying, "You can run but you can't hide".
Invisibility, "in the Bible", #Bible, #Christian, #Faith, #God, #Grace, #Jesus, #Rapture, #Salvation, Believers, Charity,
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