Believe in miracles? What if you were in the miracle business? Economics teaches us, in a free economy the prices of goods and services are determined by the law of supply and demand. What about miracles, they never seem to follow the economic laws. If one could corner the market on miracles; all the riches of the world would be laid at their feet or, would they?
There are two main categories of miracles, those that affected people called "healings" and those that "controlled nature". The three types of healings are cures where an ailment is cured, exorcisms where demons are cast away and the resurrection of the dead. Among these miracles, the Transfiguration of Jesus is unique in that the miracle happens to Jesus himself.
The demand for miracles in Jesus’ day was great; some even offered to pay Him for the service. Simon the Magician (Simon Magnus) in Acts 8:18 offered Peter money to buy the ability of healing miracles, but was rebuked. “Everything has a price” seems to be true in our world of bribes, wealth, and materialism—but, not here. No amount of money can buy salvation, forgiveness of sin, or God’s power. These are only gained by repentance and belief in Christ as Savoir. God’s miracles aren’t for buying, selling or trading. They were used to show the goodness and mercy of God. Miracles were not for sale. Matthew 10:8 says, "freely ye received, freely give."
Do you need a miracle—where will you turn? In the thirty-five (35) recorded miracles Jesus performed, twenty-three were physical healings. In three (3), the dead were raised, in another three (3) food and drink were provided, two (2) were large catches of fish, and the other four (4) were calming a storm, walking on water, withering a fig tree, and providing money in a fishes mouth. Each miracle met a specific material or physical need. Most importantly there is no record of Jesus providing his divine power to satisfy idle curiosity. He changed lives drastically. Life is accepting the life-changing miracle offered to you by Jesus.
You want a miracle? Do what Jesus said; “Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves” John 14:11.
Bottom line:
The Gospel of John 20:30 specifically states that the miracles it recorded were but a "portion" of miracles that Jesus actually preformed.
Bottom line:
The Gospel of John 20:30 specifically states that the miracles it recorded were but a "portion" of miracles that Jesus actually preformed.
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