The Book of Isaiah was penned over seven centuries before the birth of Christ. Isaiah has been referred to as the ‘evangelical prophet’ because he says volumes about the redemptive work of Jesus. Isaiah records more about the person and work of Christ than any other Old Testament book. The people of Isaiah’s generation had been promised a Messiah. The people of the Old Testament waited for generations, but the promised Messiah seemed destined for the next generation not theirs. Isaiah was difficult to understand then, but we have the gift of hindsight. And the clock was ticking!
Isaiah—chapter 53—tells us of the suffering, and the triumph, of the servant-Messiah. Written in graphic detail, it’s almost impossible to believe. People would be led to believe that the Servant was going to suffer for His own sins, when in truth He was going to suffer for ‘your’ sins. Chapter 53 of the Book of Isaiah wasn’t the countdown; that was determined back in Genesis 3:15. The Messiah’s first coming was for the purpose of suffering. The Messiah’s second coming will be for the purpose of glory.
Isaiah’s generation had the Old Testament for their roadmap. This present generation has the New Testament for their roadmap. How much time remains until the second Coming? Just enough, and not a moment more!
“It is not for you to know the time or dates the father has set by his own authority." Acts 1:7
Bottom line:
Bottom line:
God the Father sets the timetable for all events—worldwide, national, and personal.
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